(Editor's note: it has taken me a week to finish this post; so lame)This week Tom Brokaw made a profound statement that has forever changed the way I think about life. He said (contextually referencing Obama's State of the Union address to Congress) that life is like Jr. High. At first I laughed at the analogy, it was funny especially when applied to our most of our less than mature Congressional Representatives. But I can't seem to get his statement out of my head. Is life really like Jr. High? I, for one, hated Jr. High but loved high school. Weird I know, but I feel like I spent my entire three years in Jr. high school hating myself (awkward stage of early teen years) and wishing I had friends. Looking back on it brings a feeling similiar to the one I get when I go to the dentist. So when Brokaw say's life is like Jr. high, which I associate with the dentist, does that mean life is like a giant tooth ache? Talk about a depressing life. I for one like to think life is more like kindergarten. We eat things we aren't supposed to, learn how to count money, share our things and that hitting is bad. The only thing that doesn't fit is nap time.

Thanks Tom, but I don't think I want to live my life as if it's Jr. high.
Man, and don't I wish that there WAS nap time....