Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Thursday, December 16, 2010
Liam update
Thankful Thursday Post.
I'm thankful we were able to go to Texas for Thanksgiving and be with the giant Jones clan. I love love love Freddie's family. They are warm, inclusive and funny.
I'm thankful for our reliable vehicle that got us safely to Texas over Thanksgiving.
I'm thankful for Freddie's job. He loves what he does, the people he works with and he has learned so much as a photographer.
I'm thankful for a healthy happy baby boy. Liam is the light of my life and although he has turned my world upside down, over and over he has been worth it.
I'm thankful that I made it through my ridiculous History 221 class and that my professor didn't flunk me on my midterm and gave me a 'C' even though I totally deserved to fail... Let's be honest, that was no where close to the caliber of work I should and can put out as a history major.
Finally, I'm thankful to be graduating. Although there is a torrid of emotions I'm experiencing in conjunction with having just taken my final final, I'm thankful to be able to hold my head up high and say, "I may be a few years late, but I finished what I started and got my degree."
Happy Thursday Everyone!
Monday, November 8, 2010
And a star is born...
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Busy, Busy, Busy.
So much to update and really I don't feel like doing it all so I'm going to give the short version.... We moved. Really that is what has taken up so much of my time. You see, it hasn't just been about moving because with the move I started my new job...which never ends... literally I am at work all day. I guess to be fair I'm not working the whole time. I work in between taking care of Liam, making dinner, doing dishes, taking care of laundry, picking up the house, and the biggest job of all, taking care of Liam. There literally are not enough hours in the day for me to get done everything I need to do. So in an effort to be more efficient, I've begun getting up at 3 a.m. in order to fit homework in. Yes, for the time being I'm super woman, mom extraordinaire, amazing wife and star employee. It's so over rated. But the semester will end in a few weeks and with BA in hand I will have one less thing to focus on, and that will make all the difference.
Really though, I am so blessed. In an effort to keep that in the forefront of my mind, and blog more, I am stealing my beautiful sister's idea of Thankful Thursday posts.
The pioneering Thankful Thursday post is about my family. I am so thankful for a husband who takes Liam the second he walks through the door each day so I can get 10 minutes to myself. For my Mom who unexpectedly showed up at my house Monday morning to watch Liam so I could get a few quiet hours to study. For my Dad who spent his Saturday helping us move. For my siblings who set the bar for me in their Christlike behavior and sensitivity to those around them. Finally, for Chelsey, for her positive posts that make my day every time I read them.
Now I'd like to play myself out with some David and Freddie... Under Pressure...in picture.

Monday, September 20, 2010
So Very Blessed
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Stay At Home Mommyhood

Friday, September 10, 2010
Dear Citizen, I have something to Say.
Dear Citizen,
In regards to the debate on a Mosque and interfaith center near Ground Zero, the burning of the sacred text of the Koran and all anti-Muslim propaganda and bigotry: I have something to say.
For a long time now I have sat idly by and listened as extreme and radical views regarding those of Islamic heritage and Muslim faith have pervaded the media, airwaves and internet. My frustration at the level of ignorance and bigotry that exists in America has been quietly endured as I told myself that it could not have affected the general population at large and was simply the product of the sensationalist desires of an entertainment seeking public. But I now see that radical extremism is spreading like a communicable disease, bigotry, ignorance and terrorism being the primary symptoms. This must stop! If we are to maintain not only the dignity of a democracy built upon the foundations of life and liberty but the freedom of religion as well, we must put an end to radical extremism of all kinds.
Muslims are not our enemy. Our country has not declared war on Muslims; our county has declared war on Terrorism and recent bigot sentiment directed toward Muslims reeks of Nazism, not freedom. If we were truly to fight a war against terrorism I would suggest we start within our own boarders and go to the homes, the schools and the institutions of our nation. As devastating as September 11 was and still is, it was not the first terrorist attack on American soil. Have we forgotten about the Oklahoma City bombing, Columbine and the myriad of abortion clinic bombings, racial hate crimes and raging domestic violence? Would not those also be considered terrorism? Ask the victims and they will likely tell you yes. So then who is the enemy? Terrorism is simply another pervading symptom of a larger illness. All of these things have one thing in common; they are the product of radical extremism of one kind or another. Therefore I submit that a war on just terrorism is not good enough as it simply addresses a symptom of the larger issue.
My fellow Americans, the battle of our generation is not against terrorism, but against radical extremism of all kinds. The War on Terrorism exists because there are extremists in the Middle East; we are fighting an ideology there born of radical idealists. Would we have ourselves take up the same banner of extremism in order to win that war? That is what will happen should the bigotry directed toward Muslims continue. I urge you to lay down your preconceived, media fostered prejudices and instead take up the banner raised by our founding fathers of freedom of religion, of tolerance, of peace. “For brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another. For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself (Gal. 5: 13-14).”
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Date Night
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Finally...All the waiting is over and the new studio is opening!

Ok everyone, the Photo Works studio is finally opening it's doors this Friday. Check out their blog at http://photoworksportraitstudio.blogspot.com/ or find them on facebook under Photo Works Portrait Studio. Please pass the information along to all your friends and family. This is seriously the coolest professional photography studio around and you won't find a better product for the price. Freddie is excited to be a part of such an awesome undertaking so stop by the studio in the University Mall and help us make this new venture a huge success.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Finding time to sweat as a Mama
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Nap time Anarchy
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
All the Single Ladies....
Ok all my single friends out there. I have one attractive brother-in-law who is a great catch and looking for a date and I am shamelessly trolling for him.
Letting your freak flag fly at the Scottish Festival
Anyway, now that I've posted a gratuitous picture of my excessively attractive hubby I will get to why I am blogging about the Scottish Festival. While I honestly do enjoy the environment, the games and the food, there is one thing about this particular Festival that just makes me bust out laughing... and its the fact that it brings out all the weirdies. I'm not talking about the die hard Scotsmen, I'm talking about the sword wielding, goth dressed, straight of a Renaissance Fair cliche weirdies. I'm asking myself why a celebration of heritage equals a medieval convergence of characters straight out of Dungeons and Dragons. It's not that it bothers me, if anything it makes it so much more of a rich experience to see so many people gathered in one place who feel they were born in the wrong time period. The historian in me just laughs at them because little do they understand that the time period they romanticize was probably the most miserable time to be a human on earth. But at the same time I both pity and admire their draw to gather at one of the few places where their strange obsession is actually accepted. How many of us have secret obsessions that are considered socially awkward? Whether its practicing for your fantasy American Idol audition in the shower, putting together one of your many fantasy football teams, or having imaginary conversations in your car during traffic. Wouldn't it be great to have a safe place to meet others with the same weird quirks? So here's to you goth dressed guy with the broad sword across your back, and here's to the rest of us finding a place to let our freak flag fly.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Albi the Seahorse's namesake.

Liam is the worst daytime nap taker and I was getting desperate. So I bought Liam a new toy this weekend in the hopes that it would live up to the hype of putting babies to sleep. It didn't work exactly as I had hoped but it does calm him down. Anyway, this blog post is the story of how the Seahorse toy got his name. You see for some reason I referred to the seahorse as Liam's dragon because honestly that's what it looks like to me (see picture). Freddy found in my species confusion a funny link to one of our favorite bands, Flight of the Concords who have a song about a racist Dragon named Albi. In honor of that ballad we have lovingly named Liam's new toy Albi. So, for your listening pleasure follow the link to hear Albi's name sake and the tale of the racist Dragon and his Albanian boy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-jVAHAuiS4
Monday, June 7, 2010
Just in case you didn't know what Heaven looked like
I have discovered that there are times as a new Mommy when you know that the wreck that is now your body thanks to baby, the sleepless nights, and the fact that the clean clothes you just put on will be covered in some kind of infant bodily fluid in the next ten minutes is worth it... That picture says it all for me. Yep, it's so worth it.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
One month in and I'm ready to throw in the towel
Friday, January 8, 2010
The Reluctant Organizer
I'm finishing my last semester in my undergrad and because the baby is due four days after I take my last final I really have no time to save all my organizing until the end. So I am forced to come to the nesting phase of pregnancy on my own. I approach it as the reluctant organizer. I know it needs to be done. There is one room in particular that is in desperate need of boxes and baskets stacked in an orderly manner. It has become exactly what I never wanted it to be... the catch all behind closed doors. I've never been one to be able to just shove junk into a closet and call my house clean. So this particular room is calling my name and I've decided that this weekend is the weekend to make a stab at it.
So now I am preparing to dive head long into an organizational nightmare. This multipurpose room may prove to be my undoing but I am determined to pull it off. Yes, this bathroom sized laundry room will be organized as an office/craft room by the end of the weekend if it kills me. And whether or not Martha Stewart approves of my methods I care not. It will be the largest homemaking project I've ever undertaken but I've got to start somewhere. So wish me luck as I approach the black hole of my home and go where I've never gone before.