So, I have finally achieved stay at home mommy status. I quit my job and I only have two classes on campus, a total of three nights a week. So I'm now home with Liam all day, every day. It's awesome... for the most part. I have to admit that I'm not quite sure what exactly I'm supposed to be doing. I play with Liam, make dinner, and attempt to keep the house clean. My days are pretty simple which makes me feel like I'm not doing enough; especially when for the last five years of my life Sunday was the only day of the week I spent more than 9 hours at a time in the home.
Of course I do have homework, but ironically it's harder for me to find time to study now that I'm home all day then it was when I worked and went to school full time (good thing I'm graduating in December). Liam's naps and after he goes to bed are really the only times I have to hit the books. Even when he is playing by himself its difficult to concentrate on essays and reading assignments; he's just so darn entertaining. He's a bigger distraction than the television.
Anyway, here are his most recent pictures. These were taken (all by Freddie of course) just prior to the four month mark about a month ago.

um he is adorable. a total babe!