So I revamped the look of my blog. Do you like? I'm not sure if it looks better necessarily but at least it's a change and I've added some personal touches. The problem with me wanting to blog is that I would like my blog to be aesthetically pleasing but I know next to nothing about html. So I have the choice of ripping off some random blog template or having a boring looking blog. Because I'm not so hot on the boring blog I've previously ripped off other templates from generic template sites (read, But I got tired of their advertisement banner on the corner of my page so I switched to the blogger template designer. I have to say it is definitely a step up. Not only was I able to chose a layout for my page (which was quite refreshing and although I'm not convinced I've achieved feng shui in my design I'm satisfied that it is remarkably better than before) but I played with a wide range of colors and a smaller but doable range of fonts. What has been created is slightly less generic albeit formulaicly (is that even a word?) produced blog makeover.
Still, I am jealous of all the creative blogs my friends manage to produce. How do you do it?
Hahah yeah I always have Owen edit the html for me :) the secret is having a computer science husband....