As an expecting first time mom I've heard so much about the sudden burst of energy pregnant woman get to organize, clean and decorate a nursery and I've really been looking forward to it. The hubby and I just moved this past month into a bigger apartment with a room for baby and plenty of storage. Every box has now been unpacked for weeks and yet I seem to be dragging my feet when it comes to decorating, organizing and over all homemaking period. I'm in my seventh month of pregnancy and I am still waiting for the famed 'nesting instinct' to kick in.
I'm finishing my last semester in my undergrad and because the baby is due four days after I take my last final I really have no time to save all my organizing until the end. So I am forced to come to the nesting phase of pregnancy on my own. I approach it as the reluctant organizer. I know it needs to be done. There is one room in particular that is in desperate need of boxes and baskets stacked in an orderly manner. It has become exactly what I never wanted it to be... the catch all behind closed doors. I've never been one to be able to just shove junk into a closet and call my house clean. So this particular room is calling my name and I've decided that this weekend is the weekend to make a stab at it.
So now I am preparing to dive head long into an organizational nightmare. This multipurpose room may prove to be my undoing but I am determined to pull it off. Yes, this bathroom sized laundry room will be organized as an office/craft room by the end of the weekend if it kills me. And whether or not Martha Stewart approves of my methods I care not. It will be the largest homemaking project I've ever undertaken but I've got to start somewhere. So wish me luck as I approach the black hole of my home and go where I've never gone before.